A Day in the Life of a Chiropractor Using Digital Patient Chart Chiropractic Software

So far, we tried to tell you how Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software helps professionals like you in their work. But today we will take a different approach: we will show you how the software suite developed by Digital Patient Chart helps a chiropractor in his daily work. We hope that this direct approach will help you perceive the benefits of working with a smart solution, developed especially for chiropractors. Without other introductions, let us get started!

Early Morning: Opening the Practice and Going over the Schedule

As the chiropractor opens the practice, the first tasks are to look over the schedule and to onboard the newly hired secretary. Without Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software, these two tasks would take around one hour. However, in our case, it takes minutes. After opening the interface, the chiropractor creates a new user account for the secretary and grants her appropriate rights to view and manage patient files. From then on, she can browse the tutorials and other helpful information to learn how to use the software. As for the daily schedule, it is completely up to date, including a canceling by a patient and the slot being booked by a new patient.


The First Patients Arrive: the Chiropractic Software Announces Their Arrival One by One

When a patient walks into the treatment room, everything must be ready: their file, the bed, and the chiropractor in scrubs. In the past, the secretary would buzz the practitioner using an intercom and the patient would have to wait until the treatment room is ready. With the chiropractic software developed by Digital Patient Chart, the chiropractor received a notification on their computer as soon as the patient arrived and signed in. By the time the appointment hour and minutes are up, the treatment room is ready for each patient.


The Schedule Is Updated with a New Cancellation

After finishing a treatment session, the chiropractor notices that a patient has canceled their session for today and rescheduled it for tomorrow. Without the chiropractor software, the practitioner would be notified by the secretary with some delay. Thus, there would be no time to reschedule another patient or take up another task. With Digital Patient Chart, the chiropractor can use the free time slot to review a difficult patient case and decide on a new treatment approach.


New Patient Arrives

The new patient to the practice has arrived and needs to fill in their onboarding datasheet. Traditionally, the patient would receive a few sheets of paper and a ballpoint pen and would have to spend about a quarter of the hour filling in information. With Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software, the new patient receives a link on their mobile phone or tablet. The patient fills in the critical information to start the treatment and can fill in the rest of the details at leisure from the comfort of their home.


Reviewing a Case File

During a break between two treatment sessions, the chiropractor can look over a specific case file. With Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software, all the information appears on the computer screen in a few clicks. There is no need to call the secretary and search through a large archive of printed paper, losing valuable time. The software keeps all the patient documents digitized, securely stored, and compliant with EHR and HIPAA regulations.


Keeping in Touch with Latest News

A successful chiropractor is always up to date with the latest development in their field of practice. Instead of spending time searching online and subscribing to expensive journals, the chiropractor using Digital Patient Chart only has to use the software to scan for the latest news. The chiropractic software is equipped with artificial intelligence. It scans the internet and selects content suited to practitioners’ needs and interests. Thus, the chiropractor has a personal assistant always bringing to them the latest news.


The End of the Day: Looking over the Schedule for the Next Day

As business hours draw to an end, the chiropractor has one more thing to do: see how busy he will be tomorrow. And Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software has his schedule ready and up to date. The practitioner can go over each appointment and decide to reschedule some of them if they interfere with other important tasks. The patients will receive a notification on their mobile phones, giving them time to reschedule the treatment session.

Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software is the only IT solution developed especially for practitioners like you. Find out how you can enjoy all its benefits here: https://digitalpatientchart.com/