Finding new patients for your chiropractic business is important, but retaining existing ones is even more important. Your marketing efforts to attract new clients cost you money. Thus, you need to retain a client until these costs are fully covered and you actually make a profit. With the right chiropractic software, you will be able to achieve this goal.
A Happy Patient Is a Returning Customer
What determines a person to keep coming back to your chiropractic practice? All the licensed practitioners offer a fairly similar level of quality of service and professionalism. It is the personal touch and the little things that make the difference.
Every person likes to feel important. When they receive a Thank You note for booking a new session with a chiropractor they feel important. When they are reminded of an upcoming session, they also feel important. The same happens when they receive useful and interesting information that helps them improve their lifestyle and health.
“How can I do all these with chiropractic software?” Here are a few simple and effective ways:
1. Offer Patients a Simple Way of Booking Sessions
Nowadays, people are always on the run. They rely on their smartphones and on high-speed mobile internet to find a good chiropractor. Once they found an office in their local area, they want to book a session with a few taps on the mobile screen.
Digital Patient Chart, the only chiropractic software created specifically for specialists like you, offers your patients a simple and easy booking interface. They can find an available slot quickly and book it in a few moments. At the same time, your schedule is automatically updated and you know how many patients you will see every day.
2. Send Patients Reminders about Their Upcoming Appointments
Your clients have busy schedules, just like you. A simple gesture of courtesy is to send each patient a reminder about upcoming chiropractic appointments. In this way, you give the patient the opportunity to confirm, reschedule or cancel the appointment ahead of time, allowing you to book the empty slot.
With the chiropractic software developed by Digital Patient Chart, you can automate these reminders and set the moment when they are sent (for example, 24 hours ahead of the appointment).
3. Simple and Secure Patient Sign In
When patients arrive at your practice, they need to sign in the register. This procedure is mandatory: by signing, the patient agrees to have their personal data processed, including their medical records.
Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software has a simple and user-friendly interface for patient sign-in. The personal data is already filled in, and they only have to add their signature. Your patients will appreciate this simple process and your administrative staff will save a lot of time, as well.
4. Be Ready to Receive Each Patient
The chiropractic software is very useful to help you prepare for the next treatment session. You will receive a notification on your computer as soon as a patient signed in. Thus, when the patient walks into the practice room, they will find you smiling and ready to begin the session.
5. Stay In Touch With Patients through Emails
Out of sight, out of mind. This should never happen when it comes to your chiropractic practice. You need to connect with your patients constantly, mainly through email newsletters.
Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software helps you collect relevant and up-to-date information from your field and include it in email templates. Thus, you will be able to keep your patients engaged and demonstrate your professionalism and authority in your field.
Digital Patient Chart is the chiropractic software that helps professionals run their practice efficiently and profitably.