Expand Your Chiropractic Business

Discover how you can expand your chiropractic business by using the right software.

Whether you are just starting out or part of an experienced chiropractic office, expanding can be quite overwhelming. There’s a lot to keep in mind to help encourage your chiropractic office’s growth and sometimes being consistent can be challenging. Consistency is key to office growth, but you must be consistent in the right areas.

Our goal is to make sure you reach yours. Using the right software is crucial for chiropractic office success as using the wrong tools can stunt or limit your office’s potential. Instead of placing limits, the Digital Patient Chart software adapts to your office and grows alongside you, learning office habits and showing where your office weaknesses lie – allowing you to correct and improve overall office performance.

Let’s take a look at a few things that will help you grow your chiropractic business and how the Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software makes the process much easier.

  • Loyalty or Referral Program
    To help expand your business, loyalty and referral programs are widely used to help spread word of mouth by awarding your existing patients for sharing your brand with others who could benefit. Referral experiences will increase both your patient retention rate (the rate at which they will return) and your revenue.

    Chiropractic offices are not like tech or clothing shops, where customers return all the time to catch up with trends. Your patients return when they are in need of your services, so the only way to increase your patient retention rate is to be consistent in your quality of service and show they can count on your chiropractic office when they need you.

    Using referral programs to reward your existing patients’ word of mouth not only helps gather new patients but reminds your existing patients why they chose your chiropractic office in the first place by sharing their experience with others. This will bring a stronger connection between them and your office and will encourage them to return to your office over others when they need to.

    Keeping up with who refers to who can be a little tricky if you do not have a system set up to do so. Included with Digital Patient Chart is a place where all referrals are tracked, and you can see how many of your existing patients have had successful referrals. This makes it easier to reward your patients by how many referrals worked. Using this chiropractic software to track referrals can also help you reward the patients automatically when they reach a certain threshold. Create an email with a special code that allows them to get a discount or a free adjustment after a certain number of successful referrals have been made.

  • Improve Billing Process
    If you don’t have a billing process you can depend on, this can slow down your office’s progress and set you back. Digital Patient Chart comes with a billing process that allows you to bill your patients right away, keep up with amounts owed and paid, and set up automatic payments. The easier the billing process, the smoother your patient’s transaction will go, and it will become another positive added to their overall experience with your office.

  • Keep Up With Chiropractic Trends
    A system that boosts your chiropractic office’s growth stays up to date on chiropractic trends. The system is updated regularly to fit your chiropractic office needs. Digital Patient Chart stays updated on forms chiropractic offices use, regulations, billing, and codes. If errors are made on forms, billing, etc. they could result in hindering your office’s progression. To stop this from happening, our system provides you with the latest resources for you to use.

    When new trends arise, our small team can quickly adapt as we work with no third-party sources; all changes can be made in-house without any wait. If there is something you need for your office that is beneficial for its growth and performance that has not yet been added to our software, contact us so we can make it happen! Great software should grow with the times to keep up with chiropractic office trends so you can focus on your service!

  • Solicit and Promote Patient Testimonials
    Before sharing a patient their experience publicly, you should always have permission first. Patients can share their experiences and check off a box that says your office can share it publicly. But how can you encourage more patients to write a testimonial?

    Digital Patient Chart automates emails and gives you a collection of email templates to customize. At the bottom of these templates, you can add a link for patients to leave their own testimonials. Setting up an automated email system that sends out updates and monthly newsletters can have a testimonial link included.

    Emails that include a patient testimonial highlight can encourage other patients to click on the link to share their own experiences. Want more reviews on your social media outlets? Send automatic emails to patients with links at the bottom that lead them straight to your social media page to leave a review.

  • Upgraded Chiropractic Practice Software
    Having upgraded software makes a huge difference in chiropractic office growth. If you are looking to expand your office, strong, powerful chiropractic software is needed. Digital Patient Chart has no “extras” added, only tools and features that focus on your chiropractic office’s performance enabling you to grow faster than ever before.

    The reason is simple: Digital Patient Chart packs a punch with strong appointment scheduling software, enhances patient engagement, boosts your marketing efforts, and keeps your team focused by eliminating redundant daily tasks. All of these are crucial for a chiropractic office’s success and eliminating repetitive tasks gives you time to make needed office adjustments based on analytics the software picks up and time to stay consistent in delivering quality service to your patients.

    A lot of software comes with “shiny things”, known as extras that the majority of users never touch. Instead of spending time on extras, we have built a strong system dedicated to strengthening your chiropractic office’s potential.


Need chiropractic software you can count on to help grow and improve your practice? Contact us today to get started!
