How to Avoid the Most Common Chiropractic Billing Errors

Getting paid is probably one of the most common issues for chiropractors. You send out your bill and instead of paying the insurance company rejects it on the grounds that it contains an error. This is frustrating, especially after the hard work to find new patients and keep them on a long-term basis. We may spend a lot of time commiserating that insurance companies make it difficult for professionals to receive just payment for their services. Instead, we all have to accept that these are the rules of the game and we must play by them. What we can do for you is help you improve your billing system. We will show you some of the most common chiropractic billing mistakes and how to avoid them using the Digital Patient Chart software.

First Step: Create a Predictable and Scalable Billing System for Your Practice

The number one mistake we see in the field of chiropractic practice is forgetting to bill patients on time. It may seem something that no professional would forget to do, but it happens with alarming frequency. And the reason for this is lack of time. As your practice grows, you have less time to deal with administrative tasks. But they are extremely important. The solution we have for you is a comprehensive chiropractic software suite that includes a powerful billing module. In this module, you can create billing templates, which your secretary can easily access and fill in. This is a scalable model, which allows you to keep track of bills, no matter how many patients enroll for your services. With this issue out of the way, these are some of the most common chiropractic billing errors:

1. Using a Wrong or Invalid Procedure Code

Insurance companies request you to fill in a specific code for each type of treatment you performed. These codes were created to speed up the payment process. A computer processes these codes and determines how much the insurer has to pay for each procedure. However, code processing is closely monitored by insurance company employees, who are instructed to look out for any mistakes and discrepancies. Wrong or invalid treatment codes are among the top chiropractic billing errors that get you a rejection notice instead of a check for your services. The Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software has all the CPT and ICD codes pre-installed, thus you will never risk typing in an invalid code.

2. Filing Duplicate Claims

Sometimes, you get an error message during the process of sending a bill. You click “Send” again and believe that you finally sent your bill successfully. Unfortunately, in some cases, the bill is actually sent twice and the insurance company will flag it. This is one of the common chiropractic billing errors that are not your fault. To fix it, you need a reliable billing solution. And our chiropractic software is the answer. Our software suite is not installed on a physical machine (your computer) which may crash, but in a secure cloud storage facility. This guarantees maximum uptime and availability.

3. Failure to Adapt Billing Forms to New Requirements

Insurance companies change the template of billing forms from time to time. They usually do so in order to request supplementary information or meet compliance criteria. If you are still using an old, obsolete billing form, your request for payment will be rejected. The Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software receives updates on an ongoing basis, including relevant changes to paperwork requirements. You will always be aware of each important update to the billing form and have quick access to them.

4. Failure to Resubmit Rejected Claims

Many new independent practices get a number of rejections on their first bills. Lack of experience leads to various chiropractic billing errors and this is the regular result. However, it does not mean that you will not be paid at all. All you have to do is correct the bill and submit it again. You have a right to get paid for services performed and you should never give up seeking payment from insurance companies. As you gain more experience and rely on a powerful software suite for chiropractors, you will make fewer and fewer mistakes and have a steady flow of revenue.

At Digital Patient Chart, we believe that every chiropractor deserves a powerful and reliable tool to make their work simpler and more effective. Find out more about our software suite: