How to Create an Effective Referral Program for Your Chiropractic Business

Referral programs are useful marketing activities to bring new clients based on recommendations from existing customers. The customer who makes a referral, i.e. brings a new client to the business, receives an incentive in the form of a discount, free product, or other bonuses. Today we will show you how to create an effective referral program for your chiropractic office. As you will see Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software is a great assistant in creating and managing this program.

Why Should You Consider a Referral Program for Your Chiropractic Business?

As a chiropractor, you know how difficult it is to win a new patient’s confidence. In healthcare, trust is a very sensitive issue. With a referral program, a patient who has already received treatment from you vouches for your professionalism.

And they don’t just say it on social media, to more or less known internet friends, but to their close friends and family members – people who trust their judgment. This kind of endorsement is more valuable than any kind of marketing materials you may produce.

What Are the Key Elements of an Effective Referral Program?

First of all, you must know when to invite a patient to participate in your referral program. Using Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software, you can select those patients who:

  • Left positive comment in the periodic self-assessment reports
  • Are close to the completion of their treatment
  • Are returning for new procedures after a completed treatment session.

These types of patients are the most likely to recommend your practice to their family and friends who need your services. The next step is to frame your proposal in terms that are acceptable to the patient. It is critical not to condition the referral in any way. The patient must have complete freedom of will and peace of mind in making the referral. Finally, you must consider an incentive that looks attractive for the patient. It can be something like:

  • A discount for the total cost of the treatment
  • A free extra session
  • A free product (massage cream, posture corrector, etc.)

How to Build Your Own Chiropractic Referral Program

Let us get down to the nitty-gritty of creating an effective referral program. Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software will be of great help even if you are very busy.

1. Create an Email Campaign

The simplest way of building a referral program is by email. You select the patients who are most likely to refer to your practice and send them the offer by email. With the chiropractic software developed by Digital Patient Chart, you can easily find an email template and customize it with your logo and other graphic elements.

2. Use the Social Media

For a greater reach, announce your referral program on your social media pages. You may be surprised to see that some patients who have just started their treatment are willing to enter the program.

To avoid any confusion and liabilities, remember to state the conditions and rules of the referral program very clearly in your posts. Pin the post at the top of your newsfeed/timeline for the entire duration of the program. Thus, anyone can clearly see it and re-read the conditions.

3. Ask During Treatment Sessions

As you pull a patient’s file from Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software before a treatment session, you can look over the progress report. If you notice a recent positive self-assessment, you can use the opportunity to inform the patient of your referral program during the treatment session.

4. Mention the Program during Live Chats

The live chat function of Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software allows your patients to contact you to ask questions, reschedule appointments or ask for help. As appropriate, use some of these discussions to tell your patients about the benefits of joining your referral program.

5. Use Online Patient Education as Leverage

The AI incorporated in Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software helps you search for relevant articles and videos all over the internet. Later on, you can include these articles in your email newsletters or share them on social media.

While this is not a direct way of promoting your referral program, it helps a lot. Your patients will be grateful that you go beyond the basic treatments to keep them engaged, informed, and educated. Thus, they will be more likely to join your referral program.

Digital Patient Chart is the only chiropractic software created especially for practitioners like you. Find out more on