How To Manage Data Access for Your Staff with Digital Patient Chart Chiropractic Software

As a chiropractor, you have several employees at your practice. During their daily activities, they have access to various documents, including patient data. This could be a problem in light of HIPAA regulations and other data protection requirements. However, you have a powerful tool to help you control who and how much access they have to patient data: Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software.

How Do You Manage Data Access in Your Chiropractic Office?

A lot of chiropractors keep a separate filing cabinet for patient data. In most cases, the cabinet is provided with a lock. But this is not a safe option. The key gets misplaced and you break the lock to access documents. Sometimes, the lock is replaced only days later. In other cases, it is deemed more convenient to leave the cabinet without a lock In turn, this leads to vulnerabilities in your commitment to protecting patients’ data and their privacy. If your practice is audited, you may get a hefty penalty for this reason. Let’s see the alternative: working with Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software.

Keeping Patients Data Truly Confidential with the Chiropractic Software Developed by Digital Patient Chart

This software suite allows the administrator (the owner of the chiropractic office) to create several user roles. What does this mean? One type of user may have access to administrative documents, such as bills issued to clients and payment slips.

Another user may have access to the basic information about the patients: name, age, email address, phone number, etc. Typically, secretaries and other non-medical staff should be assigned this type of role. Even though they sign an NDA with you when they start working with you, HIPAA rules prevent them from accessing medical information.

Grant Different Rights to Employees with Digital Patient Chart Chiropractic Software

Let us get now to the medical staff. Some of these employees need to see a patient’s history. Others should update the files with the treatment scheme you determined. For temporary staff or interns, for example, the chiropractic software allows only basic access to information, such as the patient contact list and their personal schedule of appointments, Only the administrator may edit or delete files and have access to all the schedules of all employees. This offers you control over these documents and limits the risk of unauthorized access and data loss.

How Many Different Roles Can You Assign within the Chiropractic Software?

Digital Patient Chart is an IT tool created especially for chiropractors. Thus, it takes into account all the positions you may have at your practice:

  • Business owner
  • Doctor
  • Secretary
  • Temporary staff
  • Intern.

Each of these roles has access only to the digital files and data they need to perform their job duty. In specific cases, the Administrator (business owner) may override the standard settings and grant access to a specific file or category of information. Also, as soon as an employee leaves your practice, you can delete their account with a few clicks and they will no longer have any access to confidential or business information.

Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software is the simplest and most efficient IT suite that helps your practice comply with HIPAA rules and control how much access your employees have to confidential data. Find out more at