Paperless Chiropractic

Going paperless for the office is not only a space saver but a huge beneficial upgrade! No more filing cabinets, no more post-it notes surrounding the office desk – it is time to say goodbye to clutter, protect your patient information securely, and speed up your daily tasks now that you can find what you need at your fingertips.


Updated Forms – All the Time

Your chiropractic office needs to have up-to-date forms all the time that are up to standards and follow guidelines. One of the top reasons chiropractic claims are denied, delayed, or paid incorrectly is because of unsatisfactory documentation. Digital Patient Chart ensures you document everything correctly and thanks to the software being constantly updated in real-time, you are never with outdated forms.

Forms used for your office can also be customized in case you need certain questions removed or added. In fact, Digital Patient Chart allows you to create your own forms from scratch for additional services you provide.


Keep Information Secured

You can’t be too safe when it comes to protecting patient information. While all information is conveniently accessed through Digital Patient Chart, we take security seriously and information is only accessed by the chiropractor or your team member by logging into their account. Digital Patient Chart is HIPAA compliant and can be depended on to keep all documentation safe.


Make Filling out Forms Easier for Your Patients

No need to have your patients fill out paper forms in your office anymore. Mistakes can be made and sometimes handwriting can be difficult to read. Instead of having them cross out errors or asking for someone’s second opinion on “is this a letter o or a zero?” in their email address, all typed up information on digital forms are uploaded into your system in real-time.

Since these forms are digital, your patients have the convenience of filling them out in the comfort of their own home or on a tablet in your office. As soon as their form is submitted online through the patient portal or on the tablet in your office, the software adds all of their information to the system for you. No more manually entering information, no more losing files, and all while greatly reducing the margin of error.


Stay in Touch with Your Team – Digitally

Have certain tasks you need your team to complete throughout the day? No need to write them down and place them at the desk or worry about remembering to bring it up. Digital Patient Chart helps your office stay organized with notes and a messaging system built-in so your team can speak back and forth while in another room.

Send messages on when you need more time before your next patient, or add a task for your temp to complete. Tasks you add will alert the person who has that task and they can mark when it is complete. If you forgot something, you no longer need to run out and look for your team member to tell them. A simple message or added task on your end will notify them on any device they are using with Digital Patient Chart.

Being able to conveniently speak to your team throughout the day will keep things running smoothly and less stressful on everyone during those busy hours.


Destress the Office Environment

Having paper scattered about or any visual clutter can increase stress levels and anxiety. This is because clutter sends signals to our brain that work is never done, which makes it more difficult for you and your team to relax mentally and physically. This same effect can be experienced by your patients or be off-putting to potential patients as it looks unorganized and as if your office is pressed for time.

Digitizing paperwork helps keep your office looking presentable to your patients each day and gives them the feeling your office is professional, organized, and make them feel you are not pressed for time to seeing them.


There are many other ways a paperless chiropractic office can benefit you and contribute to your office’s growth and improve its performance. Save time and money while experiencing these benefits and more by switching to a paperless environment without losing security.

We offer a free 30-day trial of Digital Patient Chart so you can experience the difference without pressure into a financial commitment. Contact us today to get started!