Remember old "good" days EHR systems that were so "helpful"?

Funny fact, I did not hop on the smartphone or text messaging train until 2014! A very late adapter I must say.

Do you remember your first transition from a flip phone to a smartphone? After learning the curve, I realized it made everything so much easier, faster, and convenient for me.

Why is this important and what in the world does this have to do with Chiropractic Software? Because change does not have to be scary and adapting to the times can allow your work to become easier, faster, and convenient.

By using Chiropractic Software, you can make more profit while cutting down your expenses. However, not all Chiropractic Software is built the same, and a lot of times they can look outdated, lack specific features your office needs and run slow in a fast-paced environment.

EHR systems are usually made up of a board of directors of chiropractic doctors. While this does sound nice, the team has no developers, designers, or specialists that study analytic differences between practices. Chiropractic practices located even 100 miles away from your practice will not have the same market, workflow (almost every Chiropractor has their own way of doing their work), or data.

This is the reason an EHR system will work for one practice, but not the other. Like a diet, one diet does not fit all. The same is true for Chiropractic offices, no two are ever the same due to location, your workflow, and unique data.

So how is it possible for Chiropractic Software to work for any office? The answer is quite simple: It needs to be customizable and it needs to be adaptable.

Digital Patient Chart is just that. Created by a team of developers and designers with SEO and Marketing backgrounds. Formulated with AI that can spot your office habits and adapt to them. When trends change, the software will show you the changes with the data it collects for your office so you can spot trends right away.

Suited with all the features a Chiropractic office needs (billing, scheduling, SOAP notes, emailing, etc.), we know that what you need for now is simply not good enough. As time moves forward, your needs will change which is why we are here to add in the features your office needs at any time at no extra cost.

Why is there no extra cost? Because this is simply the goal of our system: one constant software that grows and changes with your practice. No more waiting months or a year for a simple feature your office needs. Since we developed the system, we can make any changes specifically customized for you.

Are you ready to adapt and move forward? Please leave us any inquiries you may have or send us a number to best reach out to you for more information on how we can help your practice.