Secretaries: The Key Ingredient to a “Secret Sauce”

Secretaries are powerful to Chiropractic offices, but a secretary who has so much to do can lower their overall impact on your patients. Learn how our system works with your secretary to ensure they can give their best, wow your patients, and boost your brand!

Secretaries have a very important image to keep when it comes to how people see your brand. When someone walks into your practice, the very first person they see is your secretary and first impressions are everything. Did you know your practice has seven seconds until a person develops a solid impression of your business? Seven seconds is all it takes for someone to judge your practice and only a tenth of a second to determine if they feel trustworthiness.

Although it happens quickly, first impressions are lasting and if it is less than ideal, it will take a long time to change their impression. A secretary’s job is to establish a great first impression for who ever walks into or contacts your practice – a job that is surely irreplaceable. Every practice needs a “secret sauce” that keeps them unique, different, and special when compared to other places and the secretary is a key ingredient in making it.

Automation is useful, but not for everything. Automated phone conversations show patients you simply do not have time to tend to them and 74% of people who have a bad phone support experience are likely to choose another business next time with 70% expressing their complaints to friends and family. On top of this, 53% of consumers become irritated right away if they do not speak to a real person.

No matter if your patients come to the office or call for support, your secretary is vital to giving them that positive first impression you need reflected on your practice that enables you to stand out from the rest. A System that Intensifies your Secretary’s Capabilities

It’s time to release your secretary’s true power! Digital Patient Chart eliminates the nitty gritty tasks so they can focus on enriching your brand’s appearance (think of it as their own personal sidekick!). Our system has unique functions for secretaries that include the following:

  • Adding tasks for temp-doctors and interns
  • Edit patient schedules (automatic scheduling is also included)
  • Ability to oversee available doctors, office locations, and hours for appointment setup
  • Oversee and enter data for patients
  • Track patient referrals and verify programs
  • Office chat and notifications
  • …and more, all at their fingertips!


Scheduling patients becomes much easier with Digital Patient Chart. Our system is set up to fill in appointments automatically if your patient is on a plan with appointment “presets”. All you have to do is select what type of plan you would like the patient to be on and our system fills in available appointment slots for your patient automatically – this is very useful when they are on a 6-month plan or more!


With our system, it helps keep organization in check and files easy to find so your secretary does not have to leave their desk and keep building valuable connections with those waiting patiently for their appointments. No more handling folders or going through cabinets of files; instead, our system keeps all files electronically and are updated in real time when the doctor sees the patient. Digital Patient Chart also assists with insurance policies and procedures that are updated in real time when ever there may be changes, making payment setups and checkout a lot smoother.


New patients always have paperwork to fill out, but our system keeps their files electronically if they used our system previously and if a patient wants to see a different office, the office that saw that patient beforehand can forward their data on to you so no extra time will be needed to set them up. If the patient has not used our system before, secretaries can have them fill out the paperwork electronically using our up-to-date forms. 

If that isn’t enough, patients can complete paperwork before they enter the office! Because of this smooth process, your secretary has time to make sure newcomers feel welcome and comfortably adjust to your practice.

Contacting and Follow-ups

In addition, all patients can be contacted through our system via phone or email so your secretary does not have to go someplace else to look them up. Emails can be sent out without leaving the system’s user-face and phone numbers are “click to call” on our mobile user-face. You may write up reminders or notes about the patient that are important to remember and check back to see contact history.

Following up on a patient does not have to be repetitive anymore either. Our system allows custom alerts to be set up per patient that sends out reminders and updates for you.

Stress Reduction

Our system works alongside your secretary to automate as much tedious work as possible. Due to this, it will relieve stress off your secretary so they can stay at their best for your patients. When a secretary shows signs of stress, patients can usually feel the tension and be affected as well. Signs of stress can be contagious and spread anxiety amongst those who are around it and make them uncomfortable in the process. The best thing to do in an office is to keep everything flowing smoothly within a calm and relaxing atmosphere. The system we provide removes unnecessary strain, so no one has to stress over the small things.

We believe mental and emotional health is important while on the job and stress can easily interfere. Those who use our system are free to send our team suggestions in what may make their jobs even easier if there is a crutch you are having – a happy, healthy team makes happy patients after all!

Digital Patient Chart

Overall, our user-face is kept clean without additional bulk your secretary does not need; and since these features are at their fingertips and allow their work to flow without disturbance, they are able to work more productively and complete minimal tasks swiftly. Thanks to the speediness and background automation functions of our system, your patients can receive the first impression you desire.

Tags: Contacting and Follow-ups Filing Forms Scheduling Secretaries Stress Reduction