The Power Behind Follow Up Emails

Follow up emails are extremely beneficial to your patients and to your practice. Patients can forget the importance of specific treatment over time or do not remember what recommendations you have mentioned for their upkeep. High-quality providers use to follow up emails to keep their patients engaged in their treatments, build stronger relationships with their patients, and use follow-ups as a marketing tool.

While investing to attract new patients is a good thing, one thing you never want to do is forget about your current patients – the patients who already have trust in your service. These current patients can become recurring patients and help with your marketing by spreading word about your practice to other friends and family. It is important to keep these patients in mind and to continuously connect with them.

To stay connected with current and past patients may sound exhausting, but it does not have to be! Digital Patient Chart will handle the grunt of the work for you as you are rewarded with the power follow up emails have to offer.


Turn One-Time Appointments into Long-Term Patients

Follow up emails can assist you in keeping your patients engaged. Having a strong plan set up for follow up emails will go a long way into building loyalty, routine checks, and boost patient retention in a way that feels authentic and organic.

Long-term patients are needed to keep practice sustainable. Easy emails set up to follow up with your patients on their upcoming appointments or even sending out monthly, or quarterly, newsletters filled with information they find useful and can share with others will keep them engaged with your practice.


Increase Feedback Received

Following up with a patient does not have to only be full of information, you could ask your patients to fill out a satisfaction survey. Doing this allows your patients to communicate their thoughts freely and privately about your services provided. Positive, glowing reviews will be received more often – as you may rarely get reviews if you do not ask for them! These, with permission, can become shareable testimonials so you can bring in more business.

In addition, increasing the amount of feedback helps you pinpoint problem areas early on. For negative feedback, this lets you smooth out a rocky experience that might have happened instead of them going public with it first. Patients usually leave feedback when the experience was more than satisfactory or upsetting, so it is good to give them a more direct private outlet you can connect with them over. Responding to their negative feedback can help your practice regain loyalty from the patient as well. This is often a missed opportunity for many businesses, as negative feedback is often seen as a bad thing – instead, make it an opportunity to shine and improve upon.


Follow Up Consistently – Without Hassle

Successful practices follow up not only when “necessary”, but after each appointment. Just thinking about this can feel like a ton of work or sound like burn out could be right around the corner after committing to it. However, this is where email automation becomes extremely helpful!

Digital Patient Chart has email automation all ready for you. All you need to do is use our templates, switch out information, and set when they should be sent out! You can create many different emails so they are unique to each treatment and scenario. Have a simple dedicated email that is sent out after a patient’s appointment so they can reach out to you if they have any other questions. Emails for birthdays, holidays, newsletters, special news or promotions – you name it!

The uses of Digital Patient Chart automated emails are endless and simple to do. Also, after setting them up once you do not need to set them up again! Our templates allow you to use your own links, images, and videos to get creative with. Do not have your own images or videos? Digital Patient Chart comes with an ever-growing library of stock you may use for your practice – saving you time and money.