Transition to Telemedicine Smoothly with an Integrated Chiropractic EHR

If 2020 taught us something, is that change can happen overnight if it is necessary. For chiropractors, it meant that they had to adapt in order to stay in business. When they could not perform treatment in person, they learned to use online tools for remote consultations and advice.

As for patients, telemedicine meant that they could continue their course of treatments, at least partially, from the safety of their homes. They found that this new form of practice is not only safe but also convenient.

Telemedicine Will Remain a Big Part of Healthcare

In this large context, there is only one possible conclusion: telemedicine will not go away in a post-COVID era. Even when everyone is vaccinated and there is a steep decline in the infection rate, many patients will want to have access to healthcare practitioners online.

As a chiropractor, you have to prepare for this change in the way you run your practice and treat your patients. To do so, you will need a reliable tool to help you manage and bill telemedicine services. Our chiropractic EHR is such a tool.

How Chiropractic EHR Helps Your Practice Adopt Telemedicine

Telemedicine has three key challenges:

  • Preparing claim documents for payment
  • Keeping track of patients’ appointments
  • Integrating online sessions into your patient database.

In this article, we will show you how to use the Digital Patient Chart chiropractic software for telemedicine.

1. Create Payment Claim Templates

Filling in claim documents accurately, using the right codes is critical for getting paid by insurance companies. A single error can get your claim rejected. Also, there are special codes for remote healthcare services, and it may take time before you learn them correctly.

The best solution for this issue is to create templates for various telemedicine services in the chiropractic software. Thus, whenever you have an online consultation, you can fill in the details in the correct template. Moreover, the software will automate this process by auto-filling certain fields in the form.

2. Keep Your Patients Informed and Engaged

Even if you cannot book online sessions with patients for treatment, you can stay in communication with them. This is very important if you want them to come back and continue their treatment when they are able to.

By sending them informative and educational newsletters or inviting them to attend webinars, you will be able to keep them loyal to your practice. Soon, you will also be able to offer them to use the live chat feature from their own Digital Patient Chart patient account to contact you and ask questions.

3. Enjoy the Benefits of a Fully Integrated Chiropractic EHR

Digital Patient Chart was created by professional developers with the input of chiropractors. Thus, it is a fully integrated solution that includes patient files, progress reports, and various analytical data.

The system is secured by advanced cybersecurity solutions, which meet the HIPAA requirements. Thus, you will always be able to access patient files, transmit them to authorized parties and monitor the progress of your treatment plan for each patient, without losing track of any relevant detail, including information gathered during online treatment sessions.

4. Use Analytics to Personalize Treatment Plans

Until you become familiarized with telemedicine, you may lose track of various patients. They fade away and you forget when they had the last appointment and how they responded to treatment.

This is why we offer you the benefits of an advanced analytical reporting system, which allows you to set alerts and create customized reports. This will allow you to create an effective communication strategy for all your patients, reducing the risk of losing them to another practice.

Digital Patient Chart is your trusted partner for a complete digital transformation of your practice. Discover the full potential of our chiropractic software here: