Behind a Successful Patient Orientation Class

Expressing the importance of chiropractic as well as gathering the interest of new patients is not as easy as it seems until you have a strong structure! You also need to constantly spread awareness about your classes, which our system can do automatically for you!

Advertise Your Patient Orientation Class

Our system can send out email blasts to your patients automatically without you ever having to send out emails every time. Digital Patient Chart allows you to set up emails and schedule them throughout the year and new patients will be updated to your list to receive an invitation to an upcoming Patient Orientation Class you provide.

Set the Tone

Do not put yourself in just any potential patient’s shoes, put yourself in the shoes of a potential patient who knows nothing about chiropractic and does not trust so easily. Now imagine having only one minute to completely catch their attention. Opening up strongly will enable them to focus on what you have to say during the first minute and curious about the next. It is important to structure a way of speaking to them in a fluid and interesting flow. So how do you sum up chiropractic and its benefits within one minute?

This first minute helps set the tone for the rest of your orientation class. You could greet them and say “I want to thank you all for attending our chiropractic orientation class, where our specialty is to eliminate interference within your system to enable your body to function properly and stay healthy. Without proper function, the body cannot work or heal as it should and will develop complications over time. Tonight, we will be discussing how our spine supports the system of our entire body and how chiropractic works at keeping the body healthy.”

Next, an icebreaker. Put the audience first and let them know you are interested in knowing about them before you summarize about yourself. This will help set the stage of keeping the orientation interactive.

Now here is where it gets tricky: Do you believe a patient is more interested in knowing in-depth how chiropractic works or more about its benefits? Patients attend a class for themselves and want to get something out of it and at the end of the day, your goal is to sign up new patients. The object of the patient orientation class is to make them believe, change their behavior, and grow into a chiropractic lifestyle. Come up with a simple beneficial message you want them to leave with and remember days later, such as “adjustments keep you healthy”, and add this message throughout your orientation.

Why Shouldn’t I Teach Them Too Much on How Chiropractic Works?

What you don’t want is to lose your audience’s focus and overload them with information. If you overload them with information, they begin to tune you out. Make the patient orientation memorable and simple for them. Give them a good briefing of what a bad spine can do to a body’s system if it is left unadjusted, but do not go into specifics too much on how you correct them – keep it brief. Instead, give them the option to learn this more in-depth themselves with a patient orientation pamphlet.

Information overload can be avoided when they are left with something they can read and learn at their own pace, but you still want to ensure the pamphlets are not overwhelmed with too much print either and be sure to include the same simple beneficial message from the orientation to tie it together.

What Should I Share with the Class?

After going over a small briefing of how you correct the spine, show proof on its benefits. Patients are not going to look for testimonials all on their own if they don’t believe or have an interest in you in the first place, so if you have a strong testimonial you would like to share, now would be the time to bring it to them. These can be kept anonymous while still being quoted. Talk about the state they were in and how much they have changed after your adjustments. You could even ask your patient permission if you could share the dramatic changes in their x-rays while keeping them anonymous so the class can visually see their spine correcting.

Keep bringing up the fact people use chiropractic to stay healthy and have this shine through with your testimonials. After you share a testimonial, you can explain why chiropractic worked for them. For instance, someone with chronic insomnia may have finally been able to sleep soundly after having adjustments. After sharing this testimonial about someone with chronic insomnia, you can explain how it linked to the spine and how chiropractic adjustments helped it.

Your patients want to believe their body can stay, or become, healthy and are looking to you to say it’s possible. Turn them into believers.


Emails are very valuable to a practice. After your orientation, you could ask for emails from each potential patient who is interested in your care. Just because they seem interested at the time, does not mean they will be later. The hype from the orientation will dwindle but sending out a follow-up email after the orientation a day or two later will help ignite the hype again. You can set up a follow-up email in advance with Digital Patient Chart that can be sent out a day or two after your class.

To summarize, make sure to send out email announcements for your orientation class, keep the orientation and handouts simple while shining the spotlight on the benefits more than the education, collect leads (emails) at the end, follow-up with potential patients and (to take it a step further and increase your chances of signing more new patients) learn how to stay on their “top-of-mind” so when they think of a chiropractor, they think of you first.

Tags: Chiropractic Software Digital Patient Chart Contacting and Follow-ups email Patient Orientation practice Scheduling